Volunteers Play Big Role In HOF Marathon

“Gatorade green, water white!”

That was shouted countless times to runners to let them know what cup to grab as they made their way down Crestwood Street in Avondale during the Pro Football Hall of Fame Marathon.

A group of neighbors on the street came together to organize a water station for the runners.

“It’s a great way to get neighbors, family and friends together and we’re having a fun time doing it,” said Vaughn Foraker.

Vaughn (on the right in the picture) says he knows what the runners endure over such a long race and he wanted to help out.

“My wife and I are both former marathon runners and we’re excited this is in Canton and wanted to help.”

The weather hampered the size of their event a bit and he hopes to have more of a block party type of event for next year’s race.

“There is no better neighborhood to run through than Avondale.”

CUTEST MARATHON VOLUNTEER EVER – This little one was helping (sort of) hand out Gatorade and water in Avondale during the Hall of Fame Marathon. A big thanks to all the volunteers!

Posted by News-Talk 1480 WHBC on Sunday, April 28, 2019