Massillon Wins Food Fight 2018!
2018 / 43,932 pounds of 78,856 collected
That’s 250,128 pounds of food collected over the years!
Congratulations Tigers! Thank you Massillon Washington High School, McKinley High School and all fans!
In this fight, we all win!
Here’s the history of this event …
Who will collect the most food to benefit the Stark County Hunger Task Force? Who will win Food Fight 2018?
The Pups took honors the last SEVEN years …
2012 / 9,450 pounds of 16,625 total collected
2013 / 13,284 pounds of 16,727 total collected
2014 / 16,794 pounds of 27,000 total collected
2015 / 12,478 pounds of 23,781 total collected
2016 / 15,778 pounds of 30,816 total collected
2017 / 29,985 pounds of 56,323 collected
That’s 171,272 pounds of food collected over the years!
Food Fight Game Plan 2018:
Monday, October 8th through noon Friday, October 26th!
Donate at either high school!
Will it be a repeat? Will it be an upset? Thousands and thousands of Stark County residents are hungry! One in four children do not know where their next meal may come from! Be true to your school and help win the fight against hunger.
DONATE NOW! Drop off your donation of nonperishable items now through Noon Friday October 26th at Washington High School or McKinley High School.
The high school collecting the most meals/pounds will receive on-air bragging rights on Mix 94.1 and News-Talk 1480 WHBC plus a traveling trophy!
Friday, October 26th! FINALE RALLY @ Dunkin’ Donuts!
Get your spirit on! It’s a Finale Rally! The last day to collect! Join us and reps from each school and drop off money or non-parishable donations to us live @ the following Dunkin’ Donuts locations:
Stop by and donate with WHBC’s Gary Rivers @ Dunkin’ Donuts
3255 Cleveland Avenue NW, Canton 44707
Stop by and donate with Mix 94.1’s Kayleigh Kriss @ Dunkin’ Donuts
309 Lincoln Way West, Massillon, 44647, 330-880-0311
Saturday, October 27th / It’s game time!
Join us for a full day of red-black-orange-black spirit!
Pregame Party / 8am-11am
Join the 1480 Join WHBC Sports guys including Kenny Roda, Joe Palmisano & Jon Bozeka for a pre-game celebration party! Check back as we will be announcing the location soon!
AultCare Stadium Show / Noon-2pm
WHBC Sports AultCare Stadium Show Live From Paul Brown Stadium featuring the WHBC Sports Guys. Free foam fingers while quantities last!
Gametime & Food Fight 2018 Winner Announcement / 2pm
We’ve got spirit! Yes, we do! We’ve got spirit! How ’bout you?
News-Talk 1480 WHBC will broadcast the big game! WHBC’s Pam Cook & Gary Rivers and Mix 941’s Ike & Sarah will be on field with the 2018 Food Fight winner announcement and trophy ceremony!
You can also mail your donation to: Stark County Hunger Task Force, PO Box 20941, Canton, OH 44701. To donate online (and for more information about SCHTF), click the SCHTF logo above.